Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can't I just be realistic?

Seriously, I don't understand why I set this ridiculous goals for myself and then actually believe I am going to achieve them!  For New Years this year my goal is to not set any goals! LMFAO.  The beggining of this week I told myself that for the next 12 days I wasn't going to have certain foods and the past two days I have, OMG, consumed the forbidden foods!!!!  I am relatively sure that the reason I forbid myself to eat them is because I know they are all frigger foods and when I eat one, I eat 67.  Croutons are the ultimate trigger food and for the love of God I will die from choking on one!  The only reason I said I wouldn't eat these fooods is because I am on a mission to lose the most amount of weight for NYE so I can look decent in a new outfit/dress.  I was at 139 today so as long as I get back on track tomorrow and don't consume 3000mg of sodium, I know I can achieve something great!

My major issue because I am Italian and love to eat is that I couldeat every hour on the hour if I knew I wasn't going to gain weight.  I am hungry every 3 hours, if I wait 4 hours it's either bc I am working and super busy or out boozing!   So my major focus needs to be to eat those every 3 hours so that I DON'T snack in between.  How do I accompkish this? buying my own food and having things with me like I used to do!  Why haven't I done it yet?  b/c I am seriously in debt bc someone has borrowed seriously $2200 and maybe a little bit more than that and I am afraid to buy myself food for fear of being in more damn debt! 

I know though that this is the ticket to eating more regularly though and I think once I get back into school it will be easier.  Until then I will still try my best each day but I am not going to restrict foods but I will manage them better by measuring them out, etc.

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