A friend of mine who just recently moved away started a blog to track her emotions and thoughts through her journey of a total weight loss goal of 208 pounds. I am really proud of her for doing this and if she ever finds this blog I wish her the best of luck! I am not sure if anyone I know will ever find this secret blog of mine but if they do I am sure they will find it quite intriguing.
I have recently become single after dating a guy for over four years. Crazy, I know. Basically, I do not regret anything, but since I am bleeding out of my woman parts and my hormones are bouncin around like 2 year olds in a bounce house, I started to think about him on my way to the gym this morning. I was 30 seconds away from texting his sister (we have been friends long before I even knew he existed) and asking her how he was doing but I am glad I never did. I changed my number because I realized that I didn't want to be bothered with the ridiculous, pointless, nasty text messages I knew he would be sending me late at night while being intoxicated. We egg each other on, we know how to push each others buttons and I knew if I didn't it would be extremely hard to move on. Autumn, the dog I bought him, thinking we would be married and die together, I think about often and that is one ginormous lesson I have learned- don't ever buy your significant other an animal. Do I wish at times that the ex and I still talked? of course I do. Do I think it's a good idea at this point in our lives? No. Will I always wonder about him? Absolutely. Will I keep asking around to find out what he has been up to? No, I honestly am better off not knowing which is also another great reason for a phone number change.
All set aside, I am really enjoying life right now, besides being stressed out from school and family life. I love going out and having a good time, meeting new people, making out with guys, you know the usual single life. I have a few guys in my life that I hope stay there for some time, some more than others. I can honestly say that I feel more like myself when I am single and life definitely throws individuals at you that you never expected to ever be in your life but they are there, and they aren't going anywhere and I don't want them to. I have an idea in my head of what I would like things to be like but I don't expect anything, I don't want to have any negative thoughts toward anything but I also don't want to start trying to predict the future. Even though I am going to be 27 on Sunday I am still young and am realizing that taking life day by day is better than stressing about what might happen next week. I really do believe things happen for a reason, I have stopped trying to figure out what that reason is because eventually it comes out. I am just havin fun being me and doing what I want, gettin A's in school, making school my number one priority so I can get an amazing job, and enjoy life forever!
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